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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = systems ergonomics] OR [Subject and Keywords = interface ergonomics] OR [Subject and Keywords = interface design] OR [Subject and Keywords = quality of interfaces] OR [Subject and Keywords = ergonomia systemów] OR [Subject and Keywords = ergonomia interfejsów] OR [Subject and Keywords = projektowanie interfejsów] OR [Subject and Keywords = jakość interfejsów] OR [Title = Ergonomia systemów informatycznych] OR [Creator = Miłosz, Marek]

Number of results: 7

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Miłosz, Marek

nagranie video

Miłosz, Marek Bąbol, Maciej

2014 (orig. and digital ed.)

Miłosz, Marek Miłosz, Elżbieta Plechawska-Wójcik, Małgorzata Borys, Magdalena

2015 (orig. and digital ed.)

Miłosz, Marek Borys, Magdalena Plechawska-Wójcik,Małgorzata

2011 (orig. and digital ed.)

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