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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = oxygen cycle] OR [Subject and Keywords = oxygen balance] OR [Subject and Keywords = oxygen] OR [Subject and Keywords = oxygen forms] OR [Subject and Keywords = ozone] OR [Subject and Keywords = gazy cieplarniane] OR [Subject and Keywords = tlen] OR [Subject and Keywords = oksygenologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = ozon] OR [Subject and Keywords = oksygenologia roślin] OR [Subject and Keywords = oksygenologia gleby] OR [Subject and Keywords = oksygenologia człowieka] OR [Title = Oxygenology in outline] OR [Creator = Bennicelli, Riccardo Paolo] OR [Creator = Gliński, Jan \(1933\- \)] OR [Creator = Stępniewska, Zofia \(1948\- \)] OR [Creator = Stępniewski, Witold \(1947\- \)]

Number of results: 3

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Kłonica, Mariusz Kuczmaszewski, Józef (1951- )

2018 (wyd. oryg. i cyfrowe)

Stępniewski, Witold (1947- ) Pawłowska, Małgorzata Gazda, Lucjan Widomski, Marcin K. Franus, Małgorzata Depta, Marcin

2016 (wyd. oryg. i cyfrowe)

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