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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = tailings \(metallurgy\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = briquetting] OR [Subject and Keywords = odpady \(mineralurgia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = odpady powęglowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = brykietowanie] OR [Title = Metody przetwarzania odpadów drobnoziarnistych na produkty użyteczne] OR [Creator = Borowski, Gabriel \(1962\- \)]

Number of results: 3

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Borowski, Gabriel (1962- ) Kuczmaszewski, Józef (1951- )


Borowski, Gabriel (1962- ) Hryniewicz, Marek Kuczmaszewski, Józef (1951- ) Politechnika Lubelska. Uprawaniony z patentu Milczek, Tomasz (1950- ). Oprac.

Zgłoszono 03.11.2003.
Opis patentowy

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