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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = technology \- societies \- dictionaries] OR [Subject and Keywords = engineers \- Poland \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = history of technology] OR [Subject and Keywords = technologists \- societies \- dictionaries] OR [Subject and Keywords = technology \- history] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia techniki] OR [Subject and Keywords = inżynierowie \- Polska \- historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = technicy \- towarzystwa \- słowniki] OR [Subject and Keywords = technika \- historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = technika \- towarzystwa \- słowniki] OR [Title = Ruch stowarzyszeniowy inżynierów i techników polskich do 1939 r. T. 2, Słownik polskich stowarzyszeń technicznych i naukowo\-technicznych do 1939 r.] OR [Creator = Piłatowicz, Józef \(1947\- \)]

Number of results: 259

items per page

Karas, Romuald. Oprac.

1963 (orig. ed.)

Olszta, Wenanty

2023 (orig. and digital ed.)

Rada NOT w Lublinie

2022 (orig. and digital ed.)

Weroński, Wiesław Stefan (1939- ) Niewczas, Andrzej (1947- )

2003 (orig. ed.)

Błazik-Borowa, Ewa Borecka, Grażyna Cichosz, Joanna Halicka, Anna

2015 (orig. and digital ed.)

Brzeziński, Mieczysław (1858-1911)

2012 (digital ed.)

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