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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = mixing process] OR [Subject and Keywords = agitator] OR [Subject and Keywords = mixer] OR [Subject and Keywords = adhesive compositions] OR [Subject and Keywords = meszanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = mieszadło] OR [Subject and Keywords = mieszalnik] OR [Subject and Keywords = kompozycje klejowe] OR [Title = Mieszanie wieloskładnikowych kompozycji klejowych] OR [Creator = Miturska\-Barańska, Izabela]

Number of results: 2

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Rudawska, Anna Domińczuk, Jacek Miturska-Barańska, Izabela Doluk, Elżbieta Szabelski, Jakub Gola, Arkadiusz

2023 (orig. and digital ed.)

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